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Как принято считать, многие известные личности будут объединены в целые кластеры себе подобных. Мы вынуждены отталкиваться от того, что перспективное планирование, а также свежий взгляд на привычные вещи — безусловно открывает новые горизонты для
Book design is the art of incorporating the content, style, format, design, and sequence of the various components of a book into a coherent whole. In the words of Jan Tschichold, "methods and rules upon which it is impossible to improve, have been developed over centuries. To produce perfect books, these rules have to be brought back to life and applied."
Front matter, or preliminaries, is the first section of a book and is usually the smallest section in terms of the number of pages. Each page is counted, but no folio or page number is expressed or printed, on either display pages or blank pages.
Zero Block
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We are interior designers for creative industries, bars and restaurants. Our job is to organize perfect spaces for work, leisure and life.
We Are Cute
The smartest people work every day to provide the best service and make our clients happy
  • Max Holden
    Founder & Art Director
    Max founded our company. He is the father of our main goals and values. He found the core members of our team and helped them to show their unique talents in the work process.
  • Lucy Good
    Design Director
    Julia takes care of everything you can see. She spent five years in London learning visual communication. She uses her knowledge to make the world a little more beautiful.
  • Eva Stark
    Customer Support
    Eva is the voice of our brand. She spends hours making our clients feel cared for and enjoying their communication with the company. If you have any suggestions, you can write to her.